
Listing Rules

Review/ Reply Rules


Listing Rules

Review/ Reply Rules


Listings Rules
General Rules
Respect and Professionalism
    1. Listings must provide accurate and complete information about the item, property, or service being offered.
    2. Listings should be relevant to the selected category and not violate the platform's content policies.
    3. Listings containing prohibited content, such as illegal items, explicit material, or anything against platform policies, will be declined.
    4. Listings should use respectful language, and imagery should not be offensive, discriminatory, or inappropriate.
    5. Prices provided in the listing should be accurate and transparent.
    6. The use of misleading pricing tactics is prohibited.
    7. Personal contact information, such as phone numbers or email addresses, can not be included in the listing description.
    8. Images and media accompanying the listing should be relevant, high quality, and not violate copyright laws.
    9. Listings should be written in that language which is selected in form submission.
    10. Listings which contain 18+ information or content are not allowed.
    11. Listings should be well-written, free of grammatical errors, and use proper spelling and punctuation.
    12. Users should refrain from posting identical or substantially similar listings within a short timeframe.
    13. It is not allowed to add multiple listings or to repeat the original listing in the same or different categories.
    14. Listings must comply with local, national, and international laws and regulations.
    15. Listing form fields which user fills need to be truthful.
    16. Misleading location information may result in the decline of the listing.
    17. Listings which contain script, code or html tags which can affect website accessibility are not allowed.
    18. Users should not manipulate or solicit fake feedback or ratings for their listings.
    19. Listings should not disclose sensitive or confidential information, including personal details of individuals without their consent.
    20. Listings must be accurately categorized to ensure they appear in relevant searches and are not misleading to users.
    21. Misleading categorization may result in the decline of the listing.
    22. Listings should not include links to external websites unless explicitly allowed by platform policies.
    23. Titles and descriptions should accurately represent the content of the listing.
    24. Listing images may not include any advertisements.
    25. Listings which contain discrimination based on nationality, race, religion, gender and other characteristics will be declined.
    26. Images cannot include logos, brands, web addresses, company names, prices, text, decorative elements, or any promotional or contact details. They should also refrain from featuring labels or text that aims to attract attention, like “Urgent,” “Attention,” “Sale,” or similar phrases.
    27. Personal contact information, such as phone numbers or email addresses, can not be included in the listing description or in the title.
    28. Each listing ought to shine a spotlight on just one specific product, service, or job opportunity. If your offerings span across multiple items, services, or job openings, it's best to craft individual listings for each to truly showcase their unique value.

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